The Lake Union has a rich youth ministry history that goes all the way back to 1879 when Luther Warren and Harry Fenner, ages 14 and 17, gathered together for prayer in Hazelton, Michigan, to establish the Adventist Missionary Youth Society.
Currently, the Wisconsin Conference Constituency theme is “Connecting to Serve.”
As the Lake Union Conference (LUC) Treasury Department reflects on this past quinquennium, one phase captures our engagement with our five local conferences—Collaboration in Mission.
What’s the fuss between numbers and spirituality? Sometimes there is this contention that counting numbers of people in church attendance, membership and baptisms is not compatible with spirituality.
I once heard a guest lecturer at a preaching seminar. At the conclusion of his presentation, there was a time for Questions and Answers. One of the attendees asked if his church had a mission statement.
During the past quinquennium, we have continued to do our best to protect the members of the Lake Union and our family of conferences in the exercise of their rights to religious freedom.
Just prior to His ascension our Lord gave a clear command to His church: Go and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19).
Over the past five years, we have seen dramatic changes in the United States. There is increasing agitation within the natural world and the conflict within societies and amongst nations is not getting any better.
I am happy to submit this report on behalf of the Lake Region Conference, which experienced the presence and power of God in amazing ways over the course of the quadrennium.
As we take a look back over the past five years, the Lake Union Information Systems Department was involved in a number of key projects:
As is true across the Lake Union, much has happened in the Indiana Conference since 2016.
Jesus said, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men (Matt. 4:19).
The Education Department is privileged to serve 73 Lake Union PreK‒12 schools and early childhood programs which are centers of learning and evangelism.
Our Communication Department started the quinquennium in 2016 focused on continuing the rich legacy of Lake Union Herald magazine.
In 1874, Andrews University opened its doors as Battle Creek College, the first higher education institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Since that time, Andrews University always has believed there is a distinct purpose to be found in the context of God’s global mission for His children.
These past five years have been particularly challenging as together we have battled the COVID-19 pandemic, but our people have pulled together to keep everyone safe and provide important resources to each other, our patients and our community.
Dr. Youngjoo Kim was six years old when she personally experienced the existence and the abounding love of God.