"It's been a spiritual journey for us volunteers. We come together from all over, many of us meeting for the first time. This project had 13 first-time volunteers, which is about a third of our team. Maranatha's mission is to build people while we work on construction. This calling brings us joy,” says Maranatha Volunteers International Project Coordinator Nancy Davis, pictured right. 

June 13, 2024

Volunteers Needed in July For Lamson Hall Project

It's been four weeks since Maranatha Volunteers International started renovating Andrews University's women's dormitory, Lamson Hall, handling everything from demolition to construction. 

On the weekend of June 7-9, 2024, Maranatha wrapped up their assignment, on 33 rooms and 12 bathrooms. Perhaps the most encouraging sight was the energy of the retirees, the oldest being 83, walking back and forth, taking on tasks from painting to plumbing. 

"After this project, we're going to head to another one," said Louise Eirich. "We become like a family, and it's hard to stay put once you get home. We have withdrawals from such an inspirational time together, and we're ready to get back out to do the Lord's work."  

"It's been a spiritual journey for us volunteers. We come together from all over, many of us meeting for the first time. This project had 13 first-time volunteers, which is about a third of our team. Maranatha's mission is to build people while we work on construction. This calling brings us joy,” says Maranatha Volunteers International Project Coordinator Nancy Davis. 

“In every dorm room, we've been praying and asking the Holy Spirit to be with the students as they come in and study. We don't know their backstories, but we want them to feel God's presence and have a positive experience as they live and learn here. We consider Andrews University a center for evangelism and influence. These students are our future leaders. 

“The past few weeks has been a wonderful experience. Every morning and evening, we come together to worship and bond. What connects us is the hope that someday soon, we won't have to say goodbye. We'll be doing a grand Maranatha project in heaven. It will be glorious." 


Are you looking for a community project? There is still much work to be done before school starts again. 

Andrews University is looking for plumbers to complete the copper plumbing and tile layers to finish the floors in nine bathrooms over the next few weeks. There will be a one-week volunteer event to complete the bathrooms in mid-July.  Watch this video to see the on-going work and a sneak peek into a finished dorm room.   



If you or your group is interested in volunteering this summer, please call 269.471.3380 or email plantservices@andrews.edu

See more photos from the work project at https://www.flickr.com/photos/lakeunionherald/albums/72177720317486983/ 

Lake Union Herald staff