The evangelistic series had many thousands of people watching every night from throughout the Lake Union Conference, the North American Division and from other countries such as Panama, Peru, Mexico, France, Australia, Japan, Australia and many other countries.
The Lake Union Conference sponsored and partnered with Hispanic coordinators from the five conferences to host a unique online virtual evangelistic series titled “Mas Allá del Dolor” (Beyond the Pain) which began on Sabbath, December 5, and concluded on Sabbath, December 12.
The idea to have the meetings was initially presented to us by Elder Ruben Bullon, Hispanic coordinator for Illinois, whose father is the well known Hispanic evangelist Alejandro Bullon, who agreed to hold the meetings from his home in Brazil.
The other Hispanic coordinators saw light in the concept and so together we planned the event. This series was unique in that the Hispanic coordinators did all the planning and hosting of the event. In preparation for the series we encouraged our members to be involved in a 40-day online prayer series which would close at the time when the meetings began.
Many of the members would use the United Cry prayer series recently translated into Spanish and developed by the Lake Union and used for the United Cry Prayer Conference. The evangelistic series had many thousands of people watching every night from throughout our union, the North American Division and from other countries such as Panama, Peru, Mexico, France, Australia, Japan, Australia and many other countries.
In addition to the messages that were presented we also had live baptisms at Hispanic churches in our conferences. We are thankful that as a result of the meetings we had 50 people make commitments to Jesus through baptism. We are thankful for the miracles of grace that were viewed during this special week and we pray that many more people will be baptized in the immediate future.