Photo by Joel Muniz.

January 6, 2020

A Life of Contentment

When I buy a car, I renew a couple of unwritten guidelines I have. The first is that it be a used vehicle and, secondly, that I commit to drive it for at...

When I buy a car, I renew a couple of unwritten guidelines I have. The first is that it be a used vehicle and, secondly, that I commit to drive it for at least 100,000 miles. Well, I guess there is a third — to be prayerfully patient while I look for the right one when I’m in the purchasing mode.


God has been good! Not only have these guidelines been met, but the results have exceeded my expectations. My last car I was able to drive for 252,000 miles; another, that I purchased for $500, had 141,000 miles on it when purchased and we drove until it had 265,000 miles. I say “we” because I drove it, passed it on to my son, my daughter had it next, and finally it was returned to me. When I was done with it for the second time, I sold it for a dollar to a young, single mother who needed a car. She was so proud to be able to pay for her own car without having to get a loan! When God provided another vehicle for her nearly a year later, she gave the one she had purchased from me to another family that needed a car. Before we moved to another place of ministry, I remember driving through the small town where that car lived and was pleased to find that it was still being used and loved.


I only told you about two cars; there have been many others. Each has had its own story and, with each, God has blessed. I have been amazed at how well He has provided for our wheel needs. He has been faithful, as He promised, and opened the windows of heaven and provided blessings that could even be driven.


And, yes, there is a fourth guideline —a commitment to contentment. Not every car I’ve owned has had air conditioning, cruise control or power windows. But I can say with Paul, I have learned how to be content with whatever I have (or whatever God has provided)” (Philippians 4:11 NLT). I think contentment is part of being a good steward, don’t you?


Jon Corder is the Lake Union Stewardship director.