Stock photo by Tom Mossholder
Governor Holcomb issued an executive order on March 19 stating that all schools must close until at least May 1. Our schools will accept government mandates unless they conflict with scripture. Our head teachers and academy principal met via zoom today to discuss the latest update and share ideas and materials that can be beneficial in delivering education to all our students in Indiana.
Head teachers will work with their school boards to inform them of the plans they propose to use over the next several weeks. All our elementary schools will begin next week to deliver materials and/or internet learning methods.
The Indiana Office of Education has informed us that the spring state testing will be waived this year. Our Lake Union Superintendent, Linda Fuchs, is planning a zoom meeting with all union superintendents for March 25. We are all working together to assist in this special situation.
"With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible."
Mark 10:27
Here are links to resources that will keep you informed: