Pastor James Doggette, Jr., Young Adult Director for Lake Region Conference facilitates a seminar about young adult ministries.

October 6, 2022

Summit encourages participants to 'dig deeper'

On Sunday, September 11, the Lake Region Youth and Young Adult Leadership Summit was held at the Chan Shun Hall on the campus of Andrews University. The newly elected Lake Region Conference Youth Ministries team led out for the day of training which comprised of general sessions and breakout meetings.

The topics that were covered highlighted major aspects of youth ministry including, Club Ministry, Hispanic Youth Ministry, Sports Ministry (CFL - the Christian Fellowship League), Bible Bowl, and Youth and Young Adult Ministry.  

The day of training began with a devotional program featuring music by Jill — and a message given by Dr. Abraham Henry, executive secretary for Lake Region Conference, who most recently served as Youth director. 

Earl Baldwin, Youth director along with James Doggette, Jr., Youth and Young Adult Director and Ariel Padron, Associate Youth Director, presented Dr. Henry and his wife, Rebecca with a plaque of appreciation for their years of service to the Youth Ministries of the conference. 

Pastor Baldwin also shared with the attendees the youth ministries theme for 2023 which is, Deeper Roots. “Each of us experience the seasons of life and sometimes we are bent but we are not broken. And if we stay grounded to the foundation, which is God, we can continue to grow strong in Him,” stated Baldwin. 

At the conclusion of the summit, Pastors Baldwin, Doggette, Jr., and Padron expressed their appreciation to the attendees and the leaders who taught the breakout sessions: Eric Jean Baptiste, Olabisi Fajana, Felicia Hunter, Sandrew King, Leyly Marban and Juanita Martin. 


JeNean Lendor is Lake Region Communication director.