Lake Union Conference employees were recognized for their years of service. Pictured here: Sue Tidwell (second from left), Vicki Thompson (third from left) and Glynn Scott (third from left) are the longest serving employees. They are flanked by Maurice Valentine (left) and Steven Poenitz (second from right) and Carmelo Mercado (right) | Photo credit: Felicia Tonga
The Lake Union recognized its employees for their years of dedicated service to the Lake Union Conference office, during a holiday party held Dec. 18 on the campus of Andrews University.
5 Years of Service : Ben Freeman, Randy Griffin, Lenay Edwards, Carmen Avila
10 Years of Service: Kong Yoong
15 Years of Service: Cynthia Baskin, Gary Burns, Sean Parker, Carmelo Mercado
20 Years of Service: Glynn Scott, Vicki Thompson, Sue Tidwell