If you know of a student about to attend or is already on a public university campus in the Lake Union, you should reach out to the conference representative for help in providing an anchor in the young person’s faith journey.
Illinois Conference
Pastor Michael Campos, mcampos@ilcsda.org
Indiana Conference
Pastor John Leis, jleisiii@gmail.com
Lake Region Conference
Zakia Jarrett, zaklynn@yahoo.com
Michigan Conference
Pastor Israel Ramos, director, iramos@misda.org
Pastor Leeroy Hernandez, associate, lhernandez@misda.org
Alanna Rodriguez, assistant, pcm@misda.org
517.316.1569 – office
Wisconsin Conference
Zack Payne, zpayne@wi.adventist.org
You can follow the Lake Union public campus ministry by subscribing to their newsletter.