June 16, 2020

Messages of hope shared during COVID-19

Bill was at a gas station pumping gas when, suddenly, he felt a strong impression to give a GLOW tract to a well-dressed woman on the other side of the...

Bill was at a gas station pumping gas when, suddenly, he felt a strong impression to give a GLOW tract to a well-dressed woman on the other side of the pump standing near her vehicle. He tried to brush aside the impression, but it remained with ever-increasing intensity as the seconds wore on. 

After some hesitancy, he finally relented and went over to hand her a few GLOW tracts. She inquired as to which church puts out these pamphlets. When she learned, a huge smile spread across her face. She had attended the Adventist church when she was a little girl! That next Sabbath she once again attended the local Adventist church after quite a stretch of time away. She is now a baptized and active member of that local Adventist church.   

We read that the work of printing and sharing literature has been ordained by God and that this ministry will change individual’s lives for eternity (Christian Service, p.148).  And yet, how can we share the message of hope during these uncertain times? What can we do when we are all staying at home and personal contacts with others aren’t as available or encouraged?   

Right before Easter this year, a number of members began to mail their family members, friends and coworkers sharing books like The Desire of Ages and Story of Hope, along with a personal note. One of the book recipients of The Desire of Ages posted a picture of the book and the attached personal note on social media with the following comment: “The sweetest gift, sent from a loving neighbor…. truly blessed.”  It is not that complicated to make a difference, even while stuck at home!   

So how can we share literature right now?  

  1. Read the literature. Rediscover the power and encouragement found in the pages of our Adventist books, tracts and magazines for yourself.  

  1. Pray. Ask God to guide you to the people that need to be encouraged and blessed by our literature at this time.   

  1. Share literature by mail. Write a personal note and include it with the book or magazine that you mail to them. 

  1. Share literature digitally. Share the COVID-19 and other GLOW tracts via social media, text or email.  

God bless you as you share the written word with others. May we all hear these words one day, “Thank you for sending me that book/for sharing that tract or magazine with me. I found Jesus because of you!”   

Kamil Metz, director of Literature Ministries, Michigan Conference  


Other resources:   

Digital GLOW: www.glowonline.org/digital  

Mailing books: www.glowonline.org/gift  

Signs COVID-19 magazine: www.adventistbookcenter.com