On March 5, 2025, the Lake Union Executive Committee voted to elect Ron Whitehead as the Lake Union Youth, Young Adults, and Children Ministries Director.
Whitehead, who previously balanced his responsibilities as executive director of the Center for Youth Evangelism (CYE) at Andrews University with his volunteer service, will now fully dedicate his energies to youth, young adult and children's ministries within the union.
“I’m excited because this union cares deeply about its youth and young adults,” Whitehead said. “This union has a vision to share the gospel beyond itself.”
Whitehead emphasized that the change allows him to shift from global responsibilities associated with his role at CYE-–which included planning for events such as the International Camporee, WeCare Disaster Response, Cruise with a Mission-–to more locally focused ministry. “My focus now isn’t the world, nor missions or seminary or fundraising or running a world camporee. I can focus on strengthening all the Lake Union conferences.”
The Youth Resource Center began on the campus of Andrews University in 1979. By the time Whitehead joined in 1996, the organization had outgrown its original space and was renamed the Center for Youth Evangelism.
Then Lake Union President Don Schneider suggested relocating to the upper floors of the old Lake Union building, now Griggs Hall. Schneider also recommended Whitehead serve as a volunteer parttime Lake Union Youth director, initiating a mutually beneficial relationship thrived for decades. Over the years, CYE coordinated several international camporees, five of them within the Lake Union territory, 1979 to 2019.
As Whitehead steps into this focused role, he’s enthusiastic about the team he’ll join. “I am excited about this transition because of the people I work with in the union office.” Whitehead explained. “I know all the youth professionals here–we’re friends and colleagues. I’m also good friends with the conference administrators. I love the culture of this union. It’s mission focused. It loves excellence.”
Whitehead articulated his primary goal: “If I can help this generation know how much they’re loved by God and how to love back this God who emptied heaven for us—if I can help their spiritual lights turn on and glow, if I can help them disciple each other in love and recognize how this Adventist message is so unique—then I'll have succeeded.
At the end of the day, he said, “I don’t want to just be busy; I want to be effective.”
Ken Denslow noted Whitehead's significant contributions to the mission of discipling youth and young adults in the Lake Union. "I am thrilled that he will now be able to focus his ministry attention on the children, youth and young adult program of our union," he said. "I know that he will be laser focused on developing strategies and avenues to bring young people closer to Jesus.”
Whitehead will leave big shoes to fill as the CYE board considers his replacement.
Debbie Michel is editor of the Lake Union Herald.